I have 3 categories when it comes to Menoth, 1, finished. 2, nearly finished and 3, no where near finished. The no where near finished includes still in box...
Category 1:
Not much show for so many years, but I've had quite a lot of play out of just these few minis. As these guys are the religious loonies of the world I went with a monk theme which means lots of browns.
High Exemplar Kreoss.

Like most people I started with Kreoss as he comes in the starter box. His known for his Menoth's Wrath Feat, which can be amazing, as everything within 14" is knocked down. But like all Feats it can be gotten around, just ask him how he feels about models with Steady! His a very good all rounder with a mix of offensive and defensive spells and one that can play havoc with your opponents Focus or Fury, its called Lamentation and all enemy models with 14" have to double the cost of spells they cast and upkeeps cost 2 instead of 1.
Feora, Priestess of the Flame.
From what I can tell this Feora is often overlooked by her Epic version The Protector of the Flame, but I prefer this version. This is also the caster I have had the most success with, I just always seem to pull a caster kill out of the bag with her. She is very aggressive and plays best middle to up field, not the wisest thing to do in this game, but it works for me. This girl has 2 flame throwers and is not afraid to use them! Her Feat is either amazing or useless... All enemy models within 12" are set on fire, which sounds amazing, but you have to remember that a possible 1/3 will go out before damage is caused and against most Jacks you are looking at needing to roll 8 or higher to do any damage. But when you manage to catch a Khador Winter Guard Death Star with it, it's a thing of glory!
The High Reclaimer.

Mr Burning Ash himself, with only a Focus of 5 he is the lowest caster in the faction, but I don't let that worry me, you march forward behind a wall of line of sight blocking clouds, get in charge range and then try to batter everything to death, simples. But watch out for Eyeless Sight (I hate Legion). His Feat can bring back 4 to 6 models that have been killed, its wonderful to bring back half a unit your opponent spent last turn killing. You just have to remember which models have been removed from play, as they can't come back.
The Crusader Heavy Warjack.
The most basic of jacks if ever there was one, the back of its card is blank! It does one thing very well, that's smash face, hard! With a bit of support and Focus this guy can really dish out a beating, but that's about it. At 6 points he's basically free with most casters and if you can get him to the enemy he will make a mess.
The Vanquisher Heavy Warjack.
This is the jack I probably use the most, he has the Chain Weapon and Thresher abilities on his Blazing Star but no reach! It's bigger than most standard infantry models!! But that is not why you take him. You take him for his Flame Belcher, it's a power 14, 10" ranged weapon with a 4" AOE that sets everything underneath it on fire (including your own models as I have found out). He costs 8 points which is the same as the Reckoner (possibly one of the best jacks in the game for his points cost), but I think a very valid argument can be made for taking him over the Reckoner.
The Ravenger Light Warjack.
This little fellow has an Arc Node which I initially thought was the best thing since sliced bread, but it turned out not so good. The spell ranges put him close enough to be charged the next turn and once engaged you can't arc spell through him anymore. If he is engaged by anything that can deliver a whack he is going to get smashed! He does have a Repulsor Shield that does push whatever has hit 1" away, which is great if it doesn't have Reach as it can no longer attack and you can arc spells through it again. Offensively it has Powerful Charge which brings it MAT up to a healthy 8, but it's only power 13, enough to kill infantry, but I can't see a Khador Jack panicking too much. At 6 points I would normally take a Crusader, but if I really want an Arc Node its a good choice.
The Repenter Light Warjack.
At 4 points this guy is steal! with a Chain Weapon War Fail and a Flame Thrower he does the job with less Focus dependency than you would think. He really only needs one Focus on the turn he is going to fire to boost to hit the most important target as if the normal damage roll doesn't kill it, it will be set on fire. What a great little jack.
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance Solo.

This angry young lady has it all (except Pathfinder), she is fast with a really high defense, has built in Stealth, a good ranged weapon and is a Weapon Master. Her other impressive abilities include, Fearless, Advanced Deployment, Acrobatics, Quick Work, Rapid Strike and Sprint! Not bad for 3 points. A word of caution though, beware AOE's! with armour as low as hers she might as well be naked and will die if caught underneath one. Oh I forgot to mention, she also has reach.
The Choir of Menoth.

Where would Menoth be without these boys? A whole lot worse off that's where. At 2 points for 4 or 3 points for 6 these are an absolute must if you are taking more than 1 jack. They have 3 special abilities each one can put on a jack, there are Battle, Passage and Shielding. Battle gives +2 to both attack and damage rolls, +2 might not sound like a lot but it is immense and can turn the humble Crusader into an absolute wrecking machine. Passage means that non magics range attacks cannot target them, perfect if your going against a gun line. If you are going against a magic ranged attack heavy force Shielding is what you want, its stops all magic attacks against them. They do go down easy and will get targeted by an opponent that knows what they can do, so spread them out, you really don't want a AOE landing in the middle of them.
Category 2:
Almost finished I have The High Executioner Servath Reznik, a Dervish Light Warjack a full unit of Cinerators, a full unit of Holy Zealots with the Monolith Bearer and a Vassal of Menoth Solo.
All of these I will write a bit about when they are done and I have pictures.
Category 3.
Deep breath.
Reckoner Heavy Warjack
Exemplar Bastion Seneschal
Exemplar Errant Seneschal
Daughters of the Flame
Exemplar Bastions
Deliverers full unit
Exemplar Errants full unit
Exemplar Errant Officer and Standard
There are few more models I would like, but best get these done first...
So that's my Menoth for now, I do intend to crack on with these as looking forward to using them a bit more often now we have a place to play...
While the wife has been away I have started doing this for her.
She is a massive Arrow fan, she has assured me it has nothing to do with Stephen Amell and I believe her, honest... I really do!
Its the Knight Miniatures 35mm Arrow miniature for the up coming Batman game. I have to say my only complaint with this miniature is the price, at £12 for 1 model its a bit steep. Having said that the model is near perfection, the sculpting is superb, very little to practically no flash or casting lines. So its a top quality model with the price to match. So as I have got her the Arrow model I can't see any reason why I can't get myself the Harley Quinn model, fair is fair right?
The base is made from a GW movement tray section, the wall is a few pieces from a 1/48 Tamiya kit and the drain pipe is a good old Capri-sun straw with a bit of brass from a left over frame from a brass etched kit. It went together really quickly and so far all the painting has taken me just over an hour. Still need to finish the Arrow, which should not take long as its only his face and hood that need doing. So hopefully completed pictures coming soon.
That's it for now, thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again real soon with a Menoth update and completed Arrow scene.
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