Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Get the Kids Involved

Sorry no Menoth, but as soon as I get some good pictures I promise they are coming!

Talking of taking good pictures, if you view my profile you will see that I like photography. It's what I studied at college, I didn't do very well! But I do have a small idea what I'm doing. So I'm getting a portable studio to take some nice pictures for the blog.

The studio is 40cm cubed and comes with different coloured back drops, but I wanted a display base that would fit inside so I decided to make one. I done the board and cut the polystyrene with a hot wire cutter and started to cover it in tissue paper and PVA. My 9 year daughter wanted to help and that meant my 5 year old son also wanted to help. I said what the hell, showed them what to do and let them get on with it.

They loved it!

(Yes I know, my daughter is One Direction fan, sorry, but she is only 9)

So with a hand full of tissue paper and a brush each they got on with it. 

At one point they were doing such a good job I left them to it! 

So about 40 mins later it was almost done.

More PVA and some sand and its time to let it dry. A word of caution at this time is that this will get messy! and if you only protect the table with a carrier bag mummy will not be happy! 

So there you have it, I let it dry and painted it, added some grass and all done. Top tip, if you want scenery made let a 9 year old and 5 year old do it! As a result of this little afternoon project we are now going to do a 4x4 board. My daughter has draw it out, the base is done (has been for a while and left in the shed) and over the next few weeks we will do what we can. I will post as we go but it will take time. I can tell you it has a river, hills with both sloped and rocky sides, a cobbled area in the middle with a wall around it big enough for a few buildings. This leads me to one question? What the hell have I let myself in for?!?! I guess time will tell and I will hopefully share the experience with you.

That's it for now, thanks for dropping by and please come back soon for an update.  

Take care.

Monday, 3 February 2014

A Friday night beating and no mistake!

Bookmark So, last Friday I went along to the Miniature Empire Gaming Club and Riot was kind enough to give me a game of Bloodbowl. He lent me his most excellent "Gentlemen of The Realm" team to play against his Orcs. I don't know if they have a name but I have named them the "Murder, Death Annihilation Squad"(there is a spoiler in there somewhere...).

If you haven’t already (and why not?) you can check out the team and Riots Bloodbowl adventure here. Its a great blog with stunning pictures of his work to date, he also has an excellent theme and so far the team looks outstanding, but I’ll let him tell you about it on his blog.

I have only every played 3rd edition Bloodbowl so had no idea what 2nd edition had to offer.

Let the lesson begin...

As you can probably guess by the name I have given the Orc team it’s brutal with a capital BRUTAL!! To cut a long story short at one point I had no players on the field and it was joked by Macca that I needed a bigger injury box! So with the score 1-0 I had 7 players and 5 turns to make a stunning comeback. But alas, all I managed was to get the remaining team members smashed, crunched, beaten, jumped up and down on and even kicked in the nuts! Needless to say I lost.
But it was all in the name of fun and I had a good laugh about it.. honest.

So I went home dug out my Bloodbowl box and found my old High Elf team. These guys will be leading me victory in the clubs upcoming 6 dominions tournament Shameless 6 nations rugby rip off, details of which can be found here.

That’s it for now, thanks for dropping in but please come back soon as the Menoth I promised last time are on there way, also more Trolls, SAGA and bit of Fantasy will be coming soon...

Take care and hope to see you soon.