So its Friday night and that can mean only one thing, Miniature Empire gaming night. I was meant to be playing Raven with his Skaven, but it was getting on a bit and ShaoGore stepped up with his Skaven.
This is my first game of fantasy in years and my first ever 6th edition game, so I was fully expecting to win!
It was only a 650 point battle and I was not using my 'tale of one gamer' army from a previous blog, so I had:
Night Goblin Warboss
Level 2 Night Goblin Shaman
Level 1 Night Goblin Shaman
40 Night Goblins with full command group and 2x Fanatics
20 Night Goblins with bows a boss and 1x Fanatic
5 Spider Riders with bows
1 Troll
1 Mangler Squig
Level 2 Engineer
2 units of 20 Clan rats with full command groups both with rattling guns
and 2 units of 5 Gutterrunners.
So we rolled for sides set up and rolled for spells. I got Sneaky Stabbin and Curse of da Bad Moon for my level 2 and Gift of the Spider-god for my level one. ShaoGore got Scorch and Cracks Call.
My first ever set up |
ShaoGore set up his 2 units directly in front of my large unit and archers, and 1 unit of Gutterrunners went to forest to my left and the other just off to the side of my Mangler Squig!!! Well I guess they are sneaky after all.
Model eye view of the field. |
Turn 1 of my first game. ShaoGore moved one of the Clan Rats up a bit, the Gutterrunners in the forest stayed where they were and the others over to the left moved forward a bit into range. The Magic Phase saw Cracks Call dispelled and Scorch kill 1 Spider Rider. The Shooting Phase saw me swear a lot and really think about giving up and putting my army on E Bay! The Gutterrunners killed the Mangler Squig and some really stupid magic item, some type of rocket of doom, doom rocket whatever thing that killed 33 Goblins from my spear unit!!!
What was left! |
My first turn started like the ShaoGore's Shooting Phase ended, badly! Animosity saw the Archers kill 2 more spearmen, speargoblins? The Troll failed its stupidity test (had to happen really). So i didn't really have much to do, but the spearmen/goblins moved forward. In the Magic Phase I managed to cast Gift of da Spider-god on the Archers (only to realize that it would do nothing as it does not remain in play).
My magnificent Shooting Phase saw the Spider Riders killed 1 Clan Rat. And that was about it.
Turn 2 ShaoGore didn't move anything, in the Magic Phase Scorch killed 1 spearman/goblin and that was about it. In the Shooting Phase the Gutterrunners wounded the Level 2 Shaman and the ratling gun killed 3 Spider Riders, and the sole survivor didn't run!!! With no close combat it was my turn.
Turn 3 ShaoGore's Gutterrunners charged the Archers who stood and shot 2 of them and the rest panicked and ran off the board. The Clan Rat units stood still. In the Magic Phase the Curse of da Bad Moon killed one of the Fanatics and not much else happened. In the Shooting Phase the ratling gun killed all but the Warboss in the spearman/goblin unit and he still didn't run and the other Fanatic! The Clan Rats killed the Spider Rider and it was my turn again.
The Archers failed their animosity test and wounded the Troll who passed his stupidity test. The Warboss charged the Clan Rats and the Shaman advanced. Now it was my turn for some magic fun, I used 6 dice plus the compulsory mushroom to cast the Curse of da Bad Moon at the higher level! It went off and went straight through a Clan Rat unit!
Not only did it make them run,
Power of the little Waaagh! |
Pest control goblin style |
they ran straight through the template! In the Close Combat phase the Clan Rats killed the Warboss by running him down.
In the next turn the Clan Rats charged the Shaman and Troll who stood their ground. Nothing happened in the Magic Phase and with no shooting it was on to the Clan Rats killing the Shaman and breaking the Troll. They over ran into the archers. It was at this point I forgot about my last Fanatic which could have really changed things!
So to wrap it all up the Clan Rats beat the archers and run them down despite the archer killing 3 rats.
To sum up my first game... It was great. I made lots of mistakes, I was really unimpressed by the first turn, but in the end it was great. So thanks to ShaoGore and am really looking forward to more games.
What did I learn? Goblins don't do what you want more often than you plan for. Mangler Squigs are squishy and Magic is awesome!
So until next time, thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon.