Monday, 27 January 2014


Here are a few of my Trollbloods, I have lots more at various stages of completion. Will get some more pictures soon.

As I have said before Borka is one of my favorite Warlocks. I love the fluff, the fact he hits hard, supports beasts better than most think and is an absolute sod to kill.

Grissel Bloodsong is a great Warlock, a bit squishy so a Bouncer is a favorite choice of mine with her. Her Fell Calls get the army moving and hitting hard, and watch your opponents face on Feat turn.

Jennisa Stonetide is a great solo.   She can be a mobile roadblock, but has some really good other abilities some people forget about.

Skaldi Bonehammer and his Champions. Utterly expensive but well worth it. They can take a wallop and being weapon masters can really dish it out. Get them in charge distance of anything you want dead. I also really love the Skaldi model, what a Troll.


These are some great light warbeasts, The Axer hits hard, can survive better than most lights and has a great Animus, +2" and pathfinder when you need it can be really handy. The Bouncer is great at keeping important pieces alive, his Animus has saved the Mountain King in the past. The Impaler is great to have around, a good ranged attack, good for keeping back as a soak transfer and any warlock with a ranged attack loves his Animus.

The Mauler Heavy Warbeast!
This guy is awesome!!!
With a few buffs he can get where needs to be and deliverers a hell of a punch.

  Last but not least is my Croak Hunter, a Minion solo that has so far done bugger all for me in any games, but I love the model and am determined to get him to do something good one day...

That's it for now, plenty more trolls to come and maybe some fiery goodness of Menoth next.

So thanks for stopping by and hope to see you soon.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Let there be blogage!


And a warm welcome to my first blog.

About this time last year I got back into miniature wargaming after a long hiatus. About 15 years in fact! And my how things have changed.
I left wargaming behind with no malice or ill intent all them years ago. My life got in the way and left no time, all the normal things I guess, career, beer, girls, beer and eventually children (heard all this before right?).

So why the return? Why not!

I found a great shop in Gantshill called Miniature Empire, a great little place and if you have not been there I would certainly recommend a visit. I went in and had a chat with owner and started spending straight away.  They have a gaming night every Friday, it took me a while to get round to going but it was a great experience and now attend regularly. They have a forum, facebook and blog. The forum has been going a while, but the facebook and blog are new.

I now play Warmachine, Menoth being my faction of choice and Hordes with Trolls. I am also starting a bit of SAGA the Lustrian Chronicles using the High Elf board. I have been putting together a background book and boards for this that I will hopefully put on here soonish for all to use if you wish. I have also started my Orcs and Goblins for Warhammer Fantasy, but not gonna say much about this here as I will hopefully be putting it on the Miniature Empire Blog. Also dabbling in Flames of War, so much for sticking with one thing!

Its great to be back gaming and love the time I get to paint. I spend all day trying to get computers to do as their told at work, so thought I'd come home and spend more time on one doing this (at least its something I want to do though). I enjoy photography, so should have some good pictures coming your way soon, I have also been playing about with video editors so maybe, just maybe I will try posting some videos.

All I really intend with this blog is post what I've been up to in the world of wargaming and knowing me the odd unrelated rant every now and again. So please stick around, pull up a bean bag and join me on this voyage of discovery into 'the wonderful world of wargaming'.

I will leave you now with a picture of my favorite Warlock and hope to see you again soon.

                                          Borka Kegslayer